Last week, I got what I figured was a very crafty spam email message, claiming to be from Google’s Project Glass, informing me that “My Glass is now ready.” Some checking revealed that the email is, in fact, legit. Apparently…
Such is what one of my roommate’s told me while giving me a ride home as I held the apple core between my thumb and forefinger. “I know,” I said but still refused to throw it out the window. That’s…
Last year was an adventure in river rafting. This year? A golf tournament. Rather glad I hauled my clubs from Chicago when I came back after the New Year. Lefty clubs are hard enough to find. Female lefty clubs are…
This is one of those instances where being an American, and having a Master of Science in IT and Privacy Law turns heads to bring forth an avalanche of questions and cascading commentary. Americans are complacent. American companies give in…
And back to blogging, though I didn’t realize it has been a month since my last blog post. I recently returned from a wonderful, real, two-week vacation. The first week was spent at UW-Madison at the Writer-by-the-Lake retreat. I took…
Ultimate is one of those sports with some down time, if you’re not playing. Kind of like swim meets, where you’re really active when your heat is up and then just kill time until the next heat or relay. Three…
I did not know snakes were permitted outside in #vancouver.… — Gwynne Monahan(@econwriter5) June 1, 2013 During the softball game last night, a guy wearing aviator sunglasses sauntered onto our field and then moved just far enough back…
My roommates and myself have discovered that we each have a specialty. One roommate is a fantastic cook. Chicken. Burgers. Asian dishes I don’t know. Waffles. Pancakes. You name it and he makes it delicious. He had a small food…
Yesterday was the graduation of a coworker. Undergraduate graduation, which made me feel old as my ten year reunion is this fall. Go figure. A few of us met up after for dinner at a restaurant called Dark Table. It's…
Today is Memorial Day in the US. For most of my life, it has been a day of BBQ and relaxation. After 9/11, however, it took on a different meaning. Most of my Mizzou classmates knew someone who had been…