Normal. And Managing Change Better.

I don’t know how else to describe it. Moving into a house just seems like the normal thing to do. I’m rather surprised by that, and bow quickly we have all settled in, too. It was weird, but nice, driving to and from work yesterday instead of waiting in the rain for the bus. And the commute is short! 45 minutes to an hour is now about 15-20 minutes. Granted, that 45 minutes was via transit. Though not always. Even on nights after work when I got a ride, it still took about 45 minutes.

I expected there to be a little more transition, a little more loss/remorse on moving out of my cool apartment and into a house with three other people. Giving up independent living space is not an east thing to do. But for whatever reason, it has been easy, and just seems normal.

As the saying goes, the only constant is change. And our reaction to change, can change. Perhaps I’m learning now to better manage reactions to change.