It’s Moving Time. Again.

We found a house! Finally. And today I’m moving this:


A bit more than the four boxes and two suitcases with which I arrived in #vancouver. That all fit in the back of a coworkers Mazada, with room to spare. This? Yeah, it requires a moving van. Not yet a truck, or movers though. And it is oddly more satisfying to pack boxes than suitcases.

A coworker remarked yesterday that it seems like I’ve done a lot of moving. Sure does seem like it. But I guess that’s what happens when you change countries for more than a study abroad stint. I’ve taken to thinking of it as stages.

Stage 1 was the temporary place the first two months of last year. It flooded so I had to look for a permanent place sooner than expected. Such was my introduction to the ridiculous process of apartment hunting in Vancouver. I lucked out though, and Stage 2 was the apartment in Kits with a straight walk down Yew to the beach. Spent many evenings down there, staring at the #mountains and watching sunsets. It’s been a good apartment. Nice to be on my own again, be within walking distance of just about everything. And at this point, there is very little of my neighborhood and downtown Vancouver that I haven’t walked.

Which brings me to Stage 3: a house in a different neighborhood, with roommates. Neither was in the realm of possibility at this time last year, or even six months ago. I’ve been viewing Vancouver as a temporary opportunity, a chance to experience something different that I could not pass up.

Perhaps that view is shortsighted. Perhaps I am where I am supposed to be. I don’t know so I’m just rolling with it.

And now to go pick up the moving van. So glad it’s sunny today!