Canadian Band: Rush

Canada has this rule, this asinine rule, that so much of its radio content must be Canadian in some fashion, leaving about 10-15% non-Canadian, which basically means American music. I say it’s asinine because all of the #vancouver DJs only play 5 songs, and they are the “popular” songs from the likes of Goyte, Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars. Each has more than one song, and more than one album, but alas, Vancouver DJs can’t look past the one hit. And they can’t look past those bands either.


Canada has actually produced some good music, and some good bands. The one that immediately springs to mind is Rush, which is the most decorated Canadian band and each member was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. In 1994. Big deal. Huge deal! Even this American knows that. So it baffles me that no Vancouver DJ plays a single Rush song. Perhaps they aren’t music people, which begs the question: why are you a DJ?!

I’m guessing it has more to do with popular taste (or lack there of, both of which are arguable) than lack of musical knowledge, or so I hope. But seriously, how else are we to educate the younger generations of how music go to what it is without exposing them to bands like Rush? You don’t have to be a music scholar to appreciate the music of Rush. You just have to like music.

So, do Vancouver DJs like music?

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