Starting from Scratch

Some days, I think that should be the title of this blog. I’m hard pressed lately to think of things that are as they are instead of starting from scratch.

Take yesterday, for example.

Moved into my new diggs, and surveying the boxes


I didn’t arrive with much. Clothes, mostly, but just enough to get through the first two or three months without having to do laundry every week. I’m pretty low maintenance, which seems to surprise some people.

Let’s take stock for a minute here. Look around whatever room your in. Now think back of when you acquired things. Furniture. Paintings. Pictures. Hooks. Hangers. Lamps. An area rug, maybe. Chairs. Table of some kind. Cups. Mugs. Plates. Dish towels.

List gets long quickly, no?

And that’s stuff I now need to acquire. It’s exhausting just thinking about it.

Except they are things acquired over time. There is a wait time as it is not possible to get it all in one day.

And you know, I’m OK with that. I can take a breath, and think of what it is I want to acquire.

I am, after all, starting from scratch.

Now, to venture out for coffee, or sit tight and wait for the Internet guy, who will be here sometime in the next two hours?