Of Hedging Height and House Size

I’m convinced there is a direct correlation between the height of hedging, and the size of the house behind it.

There are some streets in Vancouver that seem like forests because the hedging is as tall as the tree trunks, obscuring the houses on either side of the street. You’re left with a canopy of oak leaves, or evergreen trees, which can be cool during the day, provide some shelter when it rains and be downright spooky in the dark.

On one particular street, Point Grey Road, the hedging towers over you, creating the sense of walking outside a series of fortresses guarding the water as traffic rushes past on the street. Some take better care of the hedging than others, trimming them just enough so you can pass without balancing on the curb going around a corner as a dump truck comes barreling down, unable to see around the curve until it’s too late. It’s best to just push through the overgrowth, and break off a decent-sized piece so those behind you have a more clear path.

No windows face the street, they all face the water. You know someone is there because A) they have a remote to open the gate and the garage, or B) they press the buzzer and wait patiently for someone to answer, verify their identity and let them past the gate.

Such houses are scattered all over Vancouver, though there is a high concentration of them along Point Grey Road. I’ve also noticed that sometimes the hedging is built on a stone wall, as if the hedges will not grow tall enough to completely obscure the roof, and thus any sign that there is a house behind.

I find this all rather curious. America is not big on hiding wealth. We prefer to flaunt it, to show off our big houses, manicured lawns and all that money has allowed us to acquire. Canadians, at least Vancouverites, prefer to hide it. Some will say it is out of modesty while others consider it status. Property is expensive, so acquiring a plot to build a house that requires hedging to obscure it is a sign of high status.

Me? I think the houses behind those hedges must be incredibly ugly. Why else would you hide it behind such ridiculously tall hedging? And the ones with hedging on top of walls? The ugliest of the lot.