Canadian Band: Nickelback

I saw the eye roll! Perhaps a smirk as well. I was right there with you until I heard this. You'll not doubt recognize a line from it:

"That shit makes me bat shit crazy!"

One of, if not the, favorite lyric of mine of all time. So fitting, and easily adaptable to any situation.

Just like American radio, however, on the odd occasion Canadian radio even plays Nickelback, it's always one of their whinny songs that the general population knows. Ugh. Honestly. If the record industry wants to keep complaining about the demise of music, it needs to ask itself why radio stations only play the crap songs instead of the better, edgier songs.

The whole album, Dark Horse, is actually pretty good. It's a more gritty, edgier Nickelback, very rock'n'roll. Not at all what we've come to expect, or the sound we generally associate with Nickelback. Pity. Dark Horse is a good album and worth a listen.