Easter Sunday. A Year Later

Last year, on Easter Sunday, I was on a plane flying back to #vancouver. Taxes paid. Last bit of stuff sold or donated. The physical aspect of the move was done. I physically left all that was familiar behind. By the time I landed and made it through Customs, I had just enough time to drop off my bags and walk the few blocks to church for the last Easter Sunday mass.

It was the first Easter I spent alone.

This year I am home for Easter. The difference is striking. For one, there are more people dressed up for Easter Sunday mass than there were in Vancouver. Mass itself is the same, though the music and homily are a little different. No priest has quite the same take on the Gospel, which is interesting. I’m finding I enjoy differing perspectives more and more.

My NY brother flew in Friday afternoon, so instead of sushi and Netflix by myself, we are cooking a family meal. Brined pork chops, carrots, brussel sprouts, fruit and ice cream cake for dessert.

Today is also my Mom’s birthday. A bigger day of celebration, and a little sweeter now that we know more about her health. She is doing better, too, which is also encouraging.

A day of celebration. A day with family. A good day to be home.

Happy Easter!