As a Stripper, No Less than CA$5

You know those days, those bad days where almost any other job seems more appealing? Or even just walking out in the middle of the day, heading to the airport and taking the first flight that is available?

Yeah, I had one of those not too long ago, and was out to dinner with some friends who, it turns out, had also had one of those days. The conversation went from gripe to humor, we’re all old enough and experienced enough to know such days happen so just roll with it. No job is perfect so take stock of the bigger picture, remember the good things and roll with it.

The topic of lucrative alternative careers came up and I thought of a stripper. Chalk it up to being on a CSI: kick, but the suggestion took hold.

And you know what?

In Canada, any dollar amount under 5 is a coin. A coin! Who stuffs coins in thongs? How, even, can you do that? So strippers, in Canada, are already starting out ahead. Five dollars to start.

We were equally entranced and hysterical at that. They all live here so are used to coins for amounts under $5. Me? Nope. Still not. I still forget, from time to time, to hand over a toonie and loonie instead of a five dollar bill. Such a random observation seems to be my stock in trade.

So the evening, after a bad day, turning humorous and entertaining.

Just roll with it.