Food #NotInCanada

Everyone wants to go to lunch or dinner when I come, and I’m either asked “Where do you want to go” or “What do you want to eat?” The more time I spend in Canada, the easier this question is to answer. And the answer comes down to three options:

  • Mexican food
  • Chicago deep dish pizza
  • Italian beef

Three foods you can’t get in Canada. Or, at least, not in Vancouver.

There is some debate on Mexican food, though. I did stumble across a Mexican restaurant in Vancouver not far from my apartment. And yes, a Mexican restaurant. Singular. I haven’t tried it yet, but as Vancouver has spoiled me in terms of sushi, home has spoiled me in terms of Mexican food. In 2013, though, I’ll have to try the Mexican place I found in Vancouver.

Chicago deep dish pizza is really only found in Chicago. Plenty try to copy, and fail. I don’t begrudge Vancouver for this, at all. It’s best not to try, and it gives me something else to look forward to when I come home. The question becomes: where? Lou Malnati’s? Uno’s? Giordano’s? Depends on the group, and geography. At this point, I’m not especially picky. Just want some deep dish so I have no argument in going to all three!

Italian beef is another local specialty. So good! And again, it comes down to group and location. Al’s Italian Beef is a local favorite, and there is also Portillo’s. Local hole in the walls should not be forgotten, either. Places I know by sight, if not by name.

A goal, while being home for the holidays, is to indulge a bit in these particulars foods #NotInCanada, which I’m starting to think will make me appreciate sushi a little more.