Just Another 3-Day Weekend. Except it’s Canadian Thanksgiving

It strikes me as just another three day weekend as people seem more excited about having Monday off than celebrating Thanksgiving. I did a Google search for a Canadian Thanksgiving Day parade in Vancouver, but apparently there isn’t one.

This is a stark contrast to US Thanksgiving. It’s all we can talk about. And Black Friday. There’s a build up of tension as you rush to get work done, get the house ready and prepare a big meal to share with family. We all know the big travel day.

And then we relax.

That warm holiday spirit envelopes everything. Chicago has its Festival of Lights parade. Stores are decked out in holiday glory. The weather is cold, perfect for soup, apple cider and board games with family and friends.

Perhaps this is the first time I’ve given more than a passing thought to the season. Halloween kicks things off, and US Thanksgiving gives us all pause before enjoying Christmas and the start of a new year.

With Thanksgiving in early October, it seems hard to get into the holiday season spirit. So being just another three day weekend seems normal.

I did get invited to a work mate’s Thanksgiving dinner though. Rather looking forward to it, as well as a three day weekend before heading home for a bit.