Cloud Formation Have a Name? Oh, and the Earth is Curved


Snapped this while walking along Kits Beach in the rain. Apparently the rain has come late to Vancouver this year.

Anyway. I’m fairly sure the cloud formation has a name. The mountains and ocean make for interesting cloud formations, as I’ve said, and it’s also interesting to watch them form, move and dissipate. This one moved in a diagonal, cutting across the water and hardly touching the beach. For some reason I expected it to come head on, but after walking around the beach and over towards Granville Island it dawned on me: the Earth is curved!

Silly? Perhaps. But when you love in the Plains, everything is just flat. Clouds move in a somewhat linear fashion. You can watch them form, blow up and have a pretty good idea whether you need to take cover or if it’s far off in the distance. Easy to forget you’re standing on a curved surface, and the storm isn’t exactly coming at you head on, or is straight off to the side.

Mountains and shoreline seem to accentuate the curvature of the Earth. Rather cool.