Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks this Weekend

I saw a tweet flow through my steam yesterday morning about the Perseid Meteor Shower being visible from Vancouver this weekend. I got invited to drive up and hangout at a campsite with some friends this evening so it seems possible I might catch some of the meteor shower.

A little Googling revealed the Perseid Meteor Shower is an annual event, and this weekend is its peak, with 60 meteors per hour, is Sunday after midnight. Now I’m excited.

Probably a good chance of seeing some of the meteor shower from the camp ground, though like everything in Vancouver, it really depends on cloud cover. Tomorrow, August 12, from midnight on, is the peak of the meteor shower. Such is what the local news outlets are reporting.

I’ve never seen a meteor shower, and I missed the Northern Lights the one time they reached all the way down to the Chicagoland area. Even if I camp out at Kits beach for the night, and assuming there isn’t a blanket of clouds in the sky, chances are I’ll see some of the meteor shower.

The more important question: how to capture a picture with a cell phone camera.