Not a Skunk

I’m still riding high off our softball win yesterday. We advance to the league championship game, which is tomorrow night, and if we win that, we play for the “C” Division Championship on Thursday! W00T!

We went to dinner, as is customary after our games, and talked about the game, the season and other random information. Thoughts tumbled over each other when I got home and a smell in the hallway hit my nostrils. It prompted other thoughts, and a memory while playing in the outfield a few games ago.

I smelled a skunk. And I looked for the animal, surprised it would be out among so many people. I kept looking around between pitches but couldn’t find it. They don’t move that fast and there weren’t that many places it could hide.

Turns out it was not a skunk. It was pot.

Vancouver has very lax pot smoking laws. I’m not actually sure there are laws, other than common courtesy, when it comes to smoking pot in public. It’s done out in the open.

That is not done in the States. Or at least not around people I know. Sure I know some who smoked in high school and college, but it was always secret. Or “secret.” You get caught, you get kicked out. Or arrested.

In Vancouver, that doesn’t seem to be the case. At least not when it comes to smoking it.

So now I know. If it smells like a skunk, it’s most likely pot.

I might need an “Education” category.