Lightning Show

Sometimes I think Vancouver is reminding me this whole thing is temporary, that I just need to learn a lesson or two, far from home and then something will come along that compels me to move along. The seemingly rain. No credit card. Apartment flooding. Rocky first six months in country.

And then sometimes I think Vancouver was just messing with me, see if I’d pack it in and go home. And since I haven’t, it sometimes applauds my ability to just roll with it and stick it out. Lucked out in finding an apartment in Kits, which is where everyone wants to live. Softball. Fireworks. Fun.

Last night was especially awesome. Though thunder heads blow up around Vancouver, and the cloud formations are cool, there isn’t thunder and lightning. Just rain. Until last night.

This is what the sky looked like before:


And this is what it looked like during a lightning show:



Complete with thunder and bolts of lightning that went down, and others that raced across the bottom of the clouds. It was beautiful. Just like summer storms back home. And Vancouver felt unusually warm and humid on my way home last night, with the smell of rain in the air. It has been sunny and in the 80s the past few days. A brief glimpse of the hot weather from home.

The rain came, in a torrent. The lightning show continued though with a little less intensity. I turned the TV off, kept the patio open and gradually fell asleep on the couch, watching the lightning show.