Kits Music Fest and Street Fair


On Saturday, Kits held its annual Music Fest and Street Fair. It ran from Burrard all the way down to MacDonald. I heard about it at work earlier in the week, took a break from my #bteakingbad marathon and went to check it out. Typical street fair with lots of local vendors. It was sunny by the time I made it out, so there were lots of people, friends, families, milling about. I walked from one end to the other, looking for artwork for my apartment. Didn’t find artwork I wanted, but I did find some other interesting things. Boot Toss


A shoe store was running a contest. If you could toss boots into a silver trash can, you won a pair. At first glance, it reminded me of the Bozo Shoe and his buckets. Except kids tossed little spherical objects into little buckets, not anti-areodynamic, wobbly boots into a trash can.




While I watched, boots littered the pavement but none made it in. Some came close, land just shy of the can but there wasn’t that satisfying clang. All in good fun, and it drew a crowd. Even little kids got into the act. Who knew boot throwing could be so entertaining? I continued my stroll down to Burrard, caught a couple of music acts at the stages along the way. The music was pretty good. Decent mix of what you’d expect and what I’d never heard before. Perhaps Vancouver has a local band scene somewhere. Walking back up the other way, towards MacDonald, I stumbled across a Jenga game.


Remember Jenga? It’s a tower of blocks, and the goal is to remove them without knocking down the tower. I used to play it for hours with friends long ago. It’s easy in the beginning, and gets progressively harder, especially if you have three other people or so playing. These guys were playing with bigger bricks. They looked like they were cut 2×4s, but that didn’t make it any easier. I was browsing at a booth nearby and heard a spectacular crash. Game over. Reset. Try again. There was a momentary thought of home when I saw this:


Made me think of Little Man, and how good it was to see him over vacation. Still hard being back. I see now the connections I’m missing. It takes time to build those, I know. So in due time. Just have to keep plugging away out here. Anyway. The fest was cool. Somewhere in the middle there was a line of food trucks which made me think if Night market. Some of them looked familiar. All in all, nice afternoon stroll through my first local street and music fest.