
There’s a tweet about this, of course.

In the States, we hear pronunciations and guess which region of the country, if not the exact city. The southern twang. The Minnesota “yeah.” And we’re a big country with a sizable population.

Canada is a big country with a smaller population. And it, too, has certain pronunciations.

Take, for example, “process.”

You often hear it as “praw-cess” in the States. Or “pros-ess.” Say the word yourself and listen to how you pronounce it.

In Canada, it’s pronounced “pro-cess.”

Sounds weird the first few times, awkward. Like one of those words that isn’t supposed to be pronounced the same way it is spelled. Remember those when they used to teach phoenix? Or from SAT prep?

And there is, of course, “about.” Canadians do say “a-boot,” from time to time. I have gotten the impression that they are rather self conscious about that and thus make a point to say “a-bout” instead.

Canadian mixed with Asian accents is also interesting, and perhaps worth its own post at some point.