Weekend Getaway: Sunshine Coast

Last May, I came up to Vancouver for a visit, see what it might be like to live here. I had the opportunity to take a trip up the Sunshine Coast to Powell River.

It’s a small town in the mountains. Rather quaint, quiet and nice. Quite the simple, easy going life. Fantastic mountain views. Ocean views. Wasn’t exactly sunny, but that’s par for the course up here. I still rather enjoyed it.

Wasn’t too hot, nor too cold. Just the right amount of overcast. Good hiking weather.

So here it is, Memorial Day weekend in the States, and I am heading up the Sunshine Coast to Powell River again. And I’m really looking forward to it.

One of the things I learned when #freelancing was the importance of a change of scenery. Heading down to the city for a weekend, up to Wisconsin or visiting friends in Missouri or Kansas, the change of scenery was nice. Created some space between the every day stresses of #freelancing and general life, allowed my mind to unwind, as it were, and generally refresh itself.

In a year that has been filled with the unfamiliar, this is something familiar, and a good memory previously formed. Something to build on.

Happy Memorial Day weekend!