Table Choices. Thoughts?

One step at a time.

I keep expecting my apartment to put itself together much faster than it actually is. I keep expecting things to move at the speed of a Google search. Alas, that is not the case. Furnishing an apartment, like adjusting to a job and moving to a different country, takes time. More time than simply doing a Google search. And I’m to the point where I need some furniture. Sleeping on an air mattress is fine for a couple of weeks, perhaps a month. Thankfully a bed is on its way!

And then there is the topic of a dinning room table, or even just a table of some kind. And since it is neither rainy nor overcast today, I made the 2.5 mile trek to the Sears in downtown Vancouver. Sears is closing the store, by October I’ve heard, and so they’re already putting things on sale.


The Sears in downtown Vancouver reminded me awful lot of like what Marshall Fields on State was like, before it jumped the shark and became Macy’s. Light. Airy. Friendly staff. Stuff where you expect.

Malls in Vancouver are generally different than malls in Chicago. Though perhaps I should save that for another post. Onto tables…

So, I came across that I liked. The first is round:

Not a fan of those particular bar stools, but I do like the round table. Like a coffee shop table. It’s not too high. There’s another one opposite the table that is higher, and that was too high. It’s round, which is nice and will work in the space. Almost double as more counter space to cut and dice vegetables and what not while cooking.

The other is square…rectangular, and has a bench:

Four chairs and a bench. Quite handy. And quite cool.

Square…rectangular, will still fit in the space. It’s not too wide, nor too long. There’s another one with a black wood top and dark wooden legs. Doesn’t look as cool.

I do like the bench. And it’d be a good table to sit and write.
