Mood and Weather Shifting in Tandem

Day started off like the previous two or three. Woke up at 2:30am, rolled over and eventually fell back asleep until 5. Checked a message from Dad and opted to go back to sleep.

Perhaps that was the start.

Everything looks gloomy in the dark, but by 7am, waiting at the bus stop, the sun was climbing and brightened things a bit. Seemed like it would be a nice day after all. Like a Chicago weather trick. Predict a blizzard, end up with clear skies and sunshine.

Alas, by noon, cloudy skied started dribbling rain. And it got progressively more steady as the day worn on.

My mood got progressively grouchier too. Bit down.

I think I’m home sick, which is to be expected. Come on a little swifter this time. Euphoria of being back wore off quickly. Perhaps that means I push through it more quickly this time, too.

I also think I’m incredibly panicky about four presentations I’m giving in a couple of weeks at a conference. Four presentations with co-presenters, and I feel completely inadequate.

Crisis of confidence maybe. Or my nerves are just still running high now that the belongings of home have been dealt with, peace made, more or less.

Waiting. That’s part of it too, I’d wager. I’m not good at waiting. I do have patience though. How’s that for irony?

It’ll be fine once I get there. I’d best focus my efforts on preparation, and untangling the mess of stuff in my apartment. Bit if a daunting task. Some furniture shopping will be in order for this weekend, which should help.

One step at a time.