Theory of Threes

For those who may not know, there’s this theory that things happen in 3s. I call it the Theory of Threes but it may have a different name.

Seems as if I find myself caught in one. It’s pretty much been a non-stop learning fest since I got here. And during a conversation at lunch today, it dawned on me that the Theory of Threes applies.

The first issue was with FedEx and the ridiculousness required to get my four boxes to Canada. The phone calls for more inform could’ve easily been rectified from the start instead of at every depot on the route. The upside is now knowing what to include on the waybill. Made it easier to ship a box I forgot.

The second issue was with banking and the crappy customer service from my bank. I got a different answer on moving money across international borders each time I called for help. My community bank, in the other hand, was super helpful and got the job done. Fantastic customer service.

The third issue is turning out to be my temporary living situation. There was a semi-flood in the unit last week after a pipe just randomly burst on the second floor. After four or five days of industrial fans and a dehumidifier running, the floor, they came and pulled up some of the flooring to have a look. Can you guess what needs to happen?

Yep. The whole floor in the unit must be replaced. And that means that the furniture, which isn’t mine, along with some appliances, and myself and what’s mine, must vacate the premises. They’re thinking on or around March 1.

So, either this is a kick in the ass to find a place, or I will spend March in a hotel and look for a place as planned. I don’t know what the answer is, so I figured I might as well start looking, and if worse comes to worse, I’ll add a long term hotel stay to my growing list of I-moved-to-Vancouver experiences.

I’m a believer in the Theory of Threes, and in things happening for a reason. The reason for this set of three has not yet been revealed though, but I’m confident it will, and it’ll all work out. Some day.