In May I blogged about being in auditory hell. After hearing Maroon 5’s “Love Somebody,” off its appropriately named album Overexposed, it occurred to me that the Internet makes avoiding overexposed…overplayed songs, possible. There are two services I’ve used: Pandora…
As my birthday present to myself this year, I enrolled in a creative writing online course through the continuing studies program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The first assignment was to answer the question: Why Do I Write? I write.…
A year later, and my love of baseball has deepened. In Chicago, unless you're a purest, you root for the team your family has rooted for, which is often dictated by the side of Chicago where you grew up: North…
The eBook is free to download. It’s no secret I’ve been a bit obsessed with this “big data” thing for a little bit. It stemmed from a personal project of mine, collecting life data points, as it were, in an…
I am in a foreign country. It is ten minutes to eight, and people are standing in line as if waiting to buy concert tickets. Some are in shirts and t-shirts, carrying backpacks. Others are dressed for business, staring at…
It's been a very bad injury season for me. First playoff game for softball, on the worst possible field (which is deserving of more than a letter to the Slo-Pitch softball league). A deep divet between first and second that…
Orcas! I saw them! In the wild! Remember how I was trying to figure out how to use 20 vacation days this year? The best I could do was 10, the week at the writer’s retreat and the following week…
Came across this article in The New York Times on airports at the border making room for Canadian fliers. Not surprising, actually. A few of my friends make the trip to Bellingham to fly around the States, especially to Hawaii.…
This thing happens when there are consecutive days of sunshine in Vancouver: people flock to the beach. The first couple of days, they flock in droves, then gradually taper off, content and perhaps a little fearful of pushing their luck.…
Every now and then something entertaining pops up in my Facebook feed, especially when it draws comparisons or random commentary on America v. Canada. This video is one such thing. Here’s the YouTube version: Hilarious! Worth a watch.