Reading through various posts across various social media platforms as people reflect back on 2024 and look forward to 2025, I found myself struggling to remember 2024 prior to my colonoscopy. The only thing I seem to remember is when my dog accidentally broke some glass, and we had to make a trip to the emergency vet so he could get properly checked out and stitched up.
There’s something to be said for knowing you’ve reached the age where you health is changing; it’s another when you start to experience those changes. Like once you turn 40, your genetics turn over, like an old car engine sitting for too long. All the warning lights turn on at once. 🤣
2024 was a year I got to experience some of these health changes, and have some fun, too.
I signed my dog and myself up for a dock diving seminar during the summer, and we got to reconnect, and hang out with Wasatch K9 Fitness. It was also really great to meet other people doing dock diving with their dogs.
I took my dog on some hiking trips to Door County and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is weird to me to follow signs to a ski resort, part at the bottom, and be able to see the summit. The summit of ski resorts in the Midwest is the first set of lifts to the bunny hills out West. 🤣 Perspective is a curious thing, and how it changes over time and from experiences is also a curious thing. My perspective…perspectives, have shifted over the last few years. Time and experiences have each played a role in those shifts.
Perspective feels all the more important in 2025 while time feels like a weird, distant construction that once had meaning. Time seems to relate less to the day of the week, the date, or the time zone, and more to an event, or events. Time seems to relate more to activities than the face of a clock. And that seems like a change in perspective that is still in process.