Fall in Vancouver


I’m not quite sure what to make of Fall in Vancouver yet. It is cooler, and the leaves don’t seem to change so much as fall off. They do change, but it seems to be overnight and then the leaves just fall to the ground. The color doesn’t stay. Perhaps that is normal here.

Being the Pacific Northwest, there is an abundance of evergreen trees, so there is always greenery. I keep looking at the mountains, expecting an explosion of color that doesn’t materialize.

This is all very different for me, as is the lack of playoff fever for baseball and the talk of American football. Very different indeed.

One thing has people excited though: ski and snowboard season. There are all kinds of ski and snowboard stores putting on sales for Canadian Thanksgiving, and I’m giving some serious thought to taking advantage of them. Some friends seem keen on introducing me to winter sports, which is perfectly fine by me.

One really nice thing about that is the participation. I’m finding I like to participate more than watching. I like to get involved instead of always standing on the side, observing.

And living in such good ski and snowboard country, best to take advantage! Should be an interesting winter.